References and Research Abstracts Supporting Ultrabiotic
1. D. Zabolotny, L. Shynkarenko, O. Melnikov, L. Volosevich, І. Zarytska, О. Goloborodko, G. Karpenko, О. Bolyska, D. Zabolotna. Application of the probiotic medication “Acidolor” (L.rhamnosus LB3) in patients with chronic tonsillitis and evaluation of its efficacy; Journal of ear, nose and throat diseases, No5, 2003, page.2-9
2. D. Zabolotny, L. Volosevich, І. Zarytskа, V.D. Zabolotna. Perspectives of biotherapy in ENT diseases; Journal of ear, nose and throat diseases, No3-с, 2003, p.180-181
3. O. Volska, D. Zabolotna. Study of the mechanisms of antagonistic activity of the Probiotics drugs. Journal of ear, nose and throat diseases, No3-с, 2003, p.164-165
4. L. Shynkarenko, N. Dehtyrenko. Research of the Chemotherapy drugs influence on Lactic Acid Bacteria cells. Scientific news of the NTU “KPI”, 2004, 1 (33), pp.135-140
5. Shynkarenko L., Dehtyrenko N. Adhesion potency of lactic acid bacteria as factor for selection of Probiotic strains. Scientific news of the NTU “KPI”, 2004, 3 (35), pp.102-106
6. Zabolotny D., Melnilkov О., Zabolotnaya D., Shynkarenko L. Probiotic modulation of the immunogenesis in the experiment. Immunology and allergy, 1, 2006., p.19-21
7. О. Melnikov, D. Zabolotnaya. Experimental investigation of the Probiotic influence on the palate tonsils cells in patients with chronic tonsillitis in vitro. The journal of ear, nose and throat diseases, 2006, 3, pp.24-27.
8. Volska, L. Shynkarenko, I. Zarytska, D. Zabolotna. Study of the possibility of the using of the Lactobacilli for treatment and prevention of the Candida infections in ENT-organs. Odessa medical Journal, 2006, 4 (96), pp.32-36
9. О. Melnikov, D. Zabolotnaya, L. Kalinovskaya, V. Simonenko. Investigation of the functional and morphochemical characteristics of the cells and tissues under the conditions of the co-cultivation with L.rhamnosus LB3. The journal of ear, nose and throat diseases, 4, 2007, 170-172.
10. Timoshok N, Shynkarenko L, Starovoytova S, Spivak N. Investigation of interferon induction activity of new Probiotic composition and strains L.delbrueckii 86, L.rhamnosus LB3 to compare with Del-Immune V and Lactobacterin (L.plantarum); 2009, IIX Congress of Ukrainian Microbiological Society, Abstracts Book, p.264
11. Starovoytova S, Timoshok N, Gorchakov V, Spivak N. Immunomodulating abilities of Lactic Acid Bacteria.2009; Microbiol.J.,V71, 3, pp.41-47
12. Report on clinical use of the probiotic cells Lactobacillus delbrueckii LE and their lysate. A.S Prylutskyy, MD, PhD, Clinical Immunology and Allergy Department, Donetsk State Medical University, 1999
13. Savtova Z.D., Shpylevaya S.I., Tarutinov V.I., Rogatskaya V.P., NMeniok T.A., Nikolsky I.S., Mosienko V.S., Shynkarenko L.M., Chekhun V.F. Immune correction by an Immunomodulator from lactobacillus delbrueckii LE in a combined therapy of breast cancer at stages II and IV. Oncology 2000; 22:211-214
14. Shpylevaya S.I., Tarutinov V.I., Mosienko V.S., Rogatskaya V.P., Ponomarev I.O., Shynkarenko L.M., Chekhun V.F. Correction of leucopenia by a new probiotic immunomodulator Lactobacillus delbrueckii product in combined treatment of breast cancer. Oncology, 2000; 2 (1-2):83-86
15. D. Zabolotny, L. Shynkarenko, О. Melnikov, L. Volosevich, І. Zarytska, О. Goloborodko, G. Karpenko, О. Bolyska, D. Zabolotna. Application of the probiotic medication “Acidolor” in patients with chronic tonsillitis and evaluation of its efficacy; Journal of ear, nose and throat diseases, No5, 2003, page.2-9
16. L. Shynkarenko, N. Dehtyrenko. Research of the Chemotherapy drugs influence on Lactic Acid Bacteria cells. Scientific news of the NTU “KPI”, 2004, 1 (33), pp.135-140
17. Volska, L. Shynkarenko, I. Zarytska, D. Zabolotna. Study of the possibility of the using of the Lactobacilli for treatment and prevention of the Candida infections in ENT-organs. Odessa medical Journal, 2006, 4 (96), pp.32-3
18. Starovoytova S., Gorchakov V. Lactic Acid Bacteria strain Selection for Effective Probiotics Compositions. 2006, Scientific News of NTU “KPI”, v5, pp.100-103
19. Starovoytova S, Timoshok N, Gorchakov V, Spivak N. Interferon induction activity of Lactic Acid Bacteria; 2007, Immunology and Allergy (Ukrainian), #4, pp. 24-27
20. Starovoytova S., Oryabinska L, Gorchakov V. Cholinesterase and protease activity of Lactic Acid Bacteria in vitro ; 2007, Environment and Health, #4 (43), pp.68-71
21. Starovoytova S, Timoshok N, Spivak N. Influence of Lactic Acid bacteria associated cultures at mice experimental meningoencephalytic herpes infection; 2008, In Abstracts of International Conference “Antibacterial and anti-viral therapy on hospital treatment”, Charkov, Ukraine, pp.316-317
22. Timoshok N, Shynkarenko L, Starovoytova S, Spivak N. Investigation of interferon induction activity of new Probiotic composition and strains L.delbrueckii 86, L.rhamnosus to compare with Del-Immune V and Lactobacterin (L.plantarum); 2009, IIX Congress of Ukrainian Microbiological Society, Abstracts Book, p.264
23. Starovoytova S, Timoshok N, Gorchakov V, Spivak N. Immunomodulating abilities of Lactic Acid Bacteria.2009; Microbiol.J., V71, #3, pp.41-47